- Starting or restarting your gift-based passion-driven ministry for more faithful, fruitful and fulfilled servants who are making God famous.
- Developing equipping leaders that are equipping servers to serve
- Seeking to align your ministries and staff to accomplish your stated vision and mission
- Troubleshooting systemic issues, unraveling the unknown or facing what has been avoided
Sometimes what is needed is a fresh perspective. Sometimes, slowing down can enable you to go faster. Calibrate your strategies and increase your confidence in the Lord and those around you. Keep the main thing the main thing. No one cares more about the work of ministry more than Jesus Christ… the Head of the Church!
“God has something for each leader and ministry team to accomplish. He has given us a part to play in the advance of his kingdom. We are successful when we find out what part that is and learn to play it well. Coaching can help us take steps that move toward the completion of the work God has given us to do.” (Bob Logan, Coaching 101)
As a leader, do you know why people are doing what they’re doing the way they’re doing it? Do you know how it fits into your ministry’s purpose and God’s kingdom purpose? A coach can assist you in being a more healthy missional ministry that is properly aligned and achieving agreed upon results.
“I enthusiastically recommend Bruce Bugbee to any purpose-driven church that wants to mobilize members for ministry.” (Rick Warren, Saddleback Community Church, CA)
Discover what a coach can do for you! Contact Bruce Bugbee & Associates about your unique ministry needs and how a coaching relationship may take you and your ministry to the next step. Let’s start a conversation.
Call 800.588.8833 or send email to EXPLORE COACHING >>
“Bruce Bugbee has the uncanny gifts to spot wrong thinking and motivate to kingdom thinking.”
Rich, Cerritos
Our most popular coaching:
1. Just-in-Time Coaching
- when you or your team are at a crossroads and have those next few critical questions.
- where you can get the input you need when you need it!
2. Strategic Process Coaching
- when you value strategic leader, team and resource alignment with your vision and mission.
- so the team stays focused, motivated and accountable to reach your agreed upon destination.
3. Coaching for Team Building
- when you want to achieve greater leader and/or team effectiveness.
- when there needs to be a common language for understanding of self and team
4. Diagnostic & Transitional Coaching
- when you are not achieving desired results and aren’t really sure why.
- when systemic issues keep manifesting reoccurring challenges to your ministry and mission
5. Right People Right Places Forum NEW!!!
- where your equipping leader and/or gift-base ministry champion can spend 3 days/2 nights with Bruce and a few other like minded leaders to gain wisdom, share best practices, discuss trends and further develop strategies to implement gift-based passion-driven ministries throughout the larger body of Christ.
6. Lead Pastor Guided Search Process
- when you are seeking to identify God’s next lead pastor for your church. The Guided Search Process is a proven process for the articulation of church context and culture, with multi-layered 360 views on potential candidates.
Call 800.588.8833 now or send email to EXPLORE COACHING >>
1. Experiencing a Leadershift! Application Guide…Equipping Leaders. Building Teams for ministry leaders, staff and developing leaders
Experiencing LeaderShift is a groundbreaking resource for equipping leaders and transforming ministries. Leadership development is a critical issue facing every ministry, church and missional organization. Identify, mobilize and equip leaders to lead as God intended. Turn your vision into action. Experience God’s blessing as you carry out His work, His way.
“It’s a little embarrassing to admit, but I hadn’t run with confidence and FREEDOM in ministry, until I experienced leadershift.”
Todd, Redding
Leaders play a critical role in any endeavor, especially in the work of God’s Kingdom. Leading as God outlines in His word is absolutely essential. There is a stark difference between God’s definition and understanding of leadership and the world’s. Spiritual leaders are called to equip others for the work of service. Follow God’s blueprint for leadership and ministry. Be faithful, fruitful and fulfilled while serving in ways that makes God famous.
2. Network
Whether starting or re-starting, learn what’s working and what’s not. Implementing the value of gift-based ministry is different than teaching a course on spiritual gifts. Network’s biblical foundations and specific process has seen over 25 years of ministry success.
“God’s mission is bigger than our church. Network allows us to equip and empower our people to take their spiritual gifts and put them to work wherever the Holy Spirit leads them.”
Marc, Wheaton
These Discovery Sessions allow your leadership team (for staff, board, ministry leaders and spouses) to personally go through Network’s Participant’s Guide and experience the Network process, the concepts of the servant profile, and the role of passion, spiritual gifts, and personal style in identifying your God given ministry. This presentation covers the positioning of Network within ministry’s organizational structure.
3. Right People Right Places Forum NEW!!!
Bruce Bugbee discusses his life, writings and coaching experiences with like-minded equipping leaders and/or gift-base ministry champions at a 3 day/2 night Forum at the Beach House in southern CA. Gain wisdom, share best practices, discuss trends and further develop your strategies for implement gift-based passion-driven ministries throughout the larger body of Christ.
Call 800.588.8833 or send email to EXPLORE COACHING >>