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A Gold Medallion Award Winning resource with over 2 million worldwide users in fourteen languages!
The Network Kit – We beat Amazon’s standard pricing!!!
You can get everything you need in a box to successfully launch and lead your Network ministry. The Network KIT includes a leader’s guide; a participant’s guide; a DVD with six drama vignettes; and a CD-ROM with a coach’s guide, a user’s guide, and PowerPoint® slides. Participants will be assessed on their spiritual gifts, personal style and ministry passions.
It’s all you need to start or restart Network to lead people through the discovery sessions, coaching and ministry placement.
Get a Participant’s Guide for each one! It contains all the personal assessments, notes and descriptions needed to identify their servant profile for ministry effectiveness. It is their journal for the process.
Network works with any size group, from small groups of 4 to 12 to large groups of 15 to 150. The six Network sessions can be presented successfully in three flexible formats: three sessions of two hours each; six sessions of forty-five minutes each; or one- two- or three-day retreats.
Get all the Network materials in our shopping cart. We beat Amazon’s standard pricing! And we offer additional discounts for volumes of 50 or more!
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NETWORKS’s Discovery Sessions CONTENTS: (45-60 min. Sessions)
Session 1—Imagine a Church…
Session 2—The Purpose of Gifts
Session 3—The Discovery of Gifts
Session 4—The Power of Love
—The Value of Personality
Session 5—The Influence of Passion
Session 6—The Promise of Ministry
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This is an excellent approach for discipling and equipping individuals, small groups, ministry teams and missional communities for greater kingdom impact! There are meaningful discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
“We have been grace receivers for the expressed purpose of being grace givers” (What You Do Best, p.36)
You’ll discover: Your God-given Spiritual Gifts indicate what you’re equipped to do competently. Your God-given Personal Style indicates how you can serve with energy and authenticity. Your God-given Ministry Passion indicates where you’re motivated to serve. Together, they indicate what you do best in the body of Christ!
Makes a perfect gift for every new member to your church, ministry or mission team!
You will also better understand God’s design for your ministry or mission… and your role within it. You’ll find plenty of helpful charts and self-assessments—plus insights into the fallacies and pitfalls that can hinder your effectiveness. Start learning today what God wants you to do, and experience more enthusiasm, greater joy, and real significance in your life and ministry.
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CONTENTS: (170 pages)
Chapter 1—Does God Have a Purpose for My Life…Really?
Chapter 2—Who Does God Say That I Am?
Chapter 3—What’s the Big Deal about Spiritual Gifts?
Chapter 4—What Are My Spiritual Gifts?
Chapter 5—How Do I Relate with My Personal Style?
Chapter 6—Where is My Passion?
Chapter 7—How Do the Pieces Fit Together?
Chapter 8—The Heart of the Matter!
Chapter 9—So What’s My Next Step?
Chapter 10—Pull Up Stakes and Follow Him!
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Discover Your Spiritual Gifts can be used individually or in small groups! Find your role in the body of Christ. When you know and use your spiritual gifts, you can participate in the ministry God has created and called you to. Your ministry will be fruitful, fulfilling and make God famous. Serving others will be exciting.
“…according to the proper working of each individual part, causing the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” (Ephesians 4. 16)
This practical book contains four assessments. Together, they will help you identify your spiritual gifts. An additional assessment allows you to gauge the effectiveness of your ministry and whether your ministry employs your gifts. A valuable tool for ministry teams, life groups and missional communities. This book gives insight into all of the spiritual gifts, what each one contributes, and how they complement each other. Your church will radiate the power of the risen Christ as every member of the body fulfills his or her role.
CONTENTS: (77 pages)
Section 1—Spiritual Gifts Assessments
Experience Assessment
Traits Assessment
Convictions Assessment
Observation Assessment
Section 2—Your Spiritual Gifts Summary
Section 3—Ministry Assessment
Section 4—Spiritual Gifts Descriptions and Contributions